Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Ah. It's offical. I don't keep up with blogs well. Forgive me? wrap up stuff that's happened since my last post? Well....I broke up with teh boyfriend about a week before Thanksgiving. It wasn't pretty...relations with him since then have been pretty much nonexsistant. I know that hurt him a lot, but.....he and I didn't fit right. I can only hope that he finds someone else. But since he goes to RIT and the guy to girl ratio is 5:1.....He better get a social life. Sayanara, Chris. Nano failed miserably. I got to 8000 something words and then hit the biggest block ever. Of which I didn't break until just recently, sadly enough. Though, I think I'll have better luck this year. Been working on a plot that I really, really love and should be able to go right through it. As for the kittens, all but one has been adopted, and we're working on getting the last one adopted. Ali Baba's (his name) a handful though. He's still absolutely adorable. No job as of yet. STILL. Dammit. Tash is coming again this summer! Woooo! And hopefully bringing a Craig-unit with her. *grins* It'll be a fuuuuun week. And that's about it. See you later when it's possibly not so late. Bleh.