Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cost Differences

It's odd, the way flights are priced, depending on where your starting point is. To go from the US to London is over $1000, but to go from London to the US, it's under $600.
Mind, this is round trip, and economy class.
But either way, it's shocking, and just that little bit unfair. Makes it just that little bit harder for someone to travel.
It's interesting, and just that little bit disconcerting, watching a relationship from the outside, looking in. Watching it, pull apart, ever so slowly, like taffy being pulled, stretched too far.
I am a Watson in a Holmes/Watson friendship, and I am watching it fall apart. Holmes has gotten too caught up in his case, and has left Watson in the fog choked allies of London. Would--should?--Watson follow, or turn home?
And the real clencher--does Holmes realize he's left Watson behind?

1 comment:

  1. *resists urge to tie first paragraph into Greed tirade * ^^'

    Ouch...that really hurts. I wish I knew what to say, but...I don't really. I can only honestly hope that everything turns out all right in the end for you.
